The Best Tips From TechFabric To Work Remotely
Nowadays, the whole world is fighting with the big disaster―COVID-19, virus that has turned everything upside down.
To prevent the disease from spreading and keep the working process head above water, the majority of IT companies worldwide have determined to work remotely. Our company was not an exception.
Well, it sounds weird, but it is not so awful as we assumed! The working process is still alive. Moreover, it spreads ahead because of the employees' devotion to the prevailing positive outcomes. Customers get all the necessary products and features without expired deadlines, and we don't feel that a global collapse can be nearby.
How have we accomplished such a significant effect? In the following article, we will share with you some of our corporate secrets, and who knows, maybe it might also help you!
We Do Live The Same Lives

The best way to stop panicking and start working productively is to lead the same lifestyle you used to do before a quarantine and exchange your activities within the company.
For the small corporations, it is easy enough to arrange a special Rest-Chat in any convenient often used messenger, and share your activities with the whole team.
If earlier you woke up at 7 am on weekdays and finished working at 7 pm (our schedule is slightly shifted due to the different geography of team members), you should continue to do it at home! Besides, don’t you dare to forget doing morning exercises and cooking delicious breakfast.
Our organism remembers the actions we usually perform when we are happy, busy, or excited so that if we achieve the same set of habits, you will never know what remote work depression is! Here is the video you will see all the everyday morning habits that make your day bright and make you feel as if you are going to office as usual.
We Organize Remote Coffee Breaks

For the little corporation, it is pretty easy to get together on the call, and consider burning issues and news, share judgments regarding a popular film, a TV program.
In TechFabric, we get together every Friday after lunch and just smile at each other and forget for twenty minutes about all the troubles around.

Indeed, we do charge not only relaxing calls, but all our digital meetings take place as usual, yet today it is much more vital to concentrate on the moral state of your employees and take care of them as well as you can!
We Upgrade Our Knowledge

Remote work is an excellent opportunity to get better knowledge, train your skills, and do the tasks you couldn't fulfill before because of the constant hustle and bustle.
Why not establish a particular refresher course for the corporation employees to upgrade their motivation and get a much more expert team? With high technologies, you are even not expected to leave your house!
In our team, we do engage numerous educational resources to cope with the current IT trends and be aware of all the latest events. Webinars, digital games, and other projects are in hand today. Being a Microsoft Gold Partner, we have launched a process of our employee's new skills approval with the help of Microsoft certifications and exams. It is hard enough. However, the guys are currently doing their best!
Besides, we help each other to deal with the remote scope of work, remind us about essential working items, update the data, and push all our powers to interact as much as we can.
We Remember About Remote Tricks

If you are currently working remotely, you can think that it has more benefits than drawbacks, although you can be wrong. You might neglect hidden underwater stones of remote work, such as self-management, problems with the Internet, everyday chores that you also should do, etc.
As a rule, while you are working at home, you don't need to waste your time on transportation or extra coffee break; as a result, you regularly work and lose your productivity or even burnout. Yet, be attentive, and do not hold in mind that when a quarantine finishes, you should be ready to continue working in the office the same as you used to do before. In the following video, you can see all the drawbacks of the remote work and also managemental peculiarities, so we do our best not to be at the edge of the professional collapse!
Well, as you might have already comprehended, you don't need to control your remote workers so much. It will bring you neither respect nor credibility. You should vice versa provide them with your sympathy and understanding way of management. If they see your readiness to assist the working process, they will give a 100% positive result.
We Give Sympathetic Consideration To Each Case

There is no point shouting at your employees because they can't set up a Skype on the new PC, their working productivity is a bit lower in a remote mode, or their children are playing too loudly next door.
We do understand all the inconveniences you face while you are working remotely. In our collective opinion, corporation is one more family with its peculiarities, useful, and weak points. Thus you should be more tolerant towards each other in such hard times.
Working in the office delivers its particular results. However, remote work shows precisely to what extent this or that team member loves the deal he/she fulfills, how much your employees can be self-motivated and organized, and lots of other points are enlightening during the quarantine.
Such outcomes can assist organizations in thinking twice before hiring a person who can't manage their own time or else. Everything is about to a degree.
We Hope For The Better And Do Our Best

Despite all the troubles and uneasy thoughts swarming in our heads, we do expect better times. Nowadays, we struggle with a challenge, and our key goal is to come out from this trial with minimal losses. Our main principle is to positively influence those things that we can really influence.
Thus, the main hint from our corporation on how to work remotely with the best results is to stay positive, put maximum effort into the work, develop your professional skills, spend free time with your beloved ones, and not panic! As soon as you keep calm, the situation will change for the better!